Utilities to Help Overclockers

When you absolutely, positively have to play with your Front Side Bus, you'll need some software to tell you what's going on with your souped-up PC. While Sandra and other diagnostic programs are great for general system analysis, there are a few apps that are specifically useful for overclockers. GWeb aims to post decent utilities that fall into this category on this page.

If you find anything you think other overclockers would appreciate, drop me a line and I'll check it out.

CPU Cooling

Rain is an excellent, tiny app from Leading Wintech which issues HLT commands to idle parts of the CPU, so that it doesn't generate heat while it's idle. This can lower the CPU core temperature by around 10�C - very useful for prolonging the life of an overclocked processor. Unfortunately the website links provided in the readme.txt and faq.txt distributed with Rain don't lead anywhere, so I can't provide an Info link.

File Date Description Info Size
rain10.zip 15.07.98 Rain 1.0. To install, extract the Zip into a temporary directory and run the install.exe program. None. 121Kb

CPU Identification

WCPUID displays a whole bunch of information regarding your CPU, including the full type, stepping ID and actual clock frequency. Various Cache and AGP data are also available. Note that there are often a few beta versions of the utility available from the author's Download page - the Info link will take you to that page.

File Date Description Info Size
wcpu31a.exe 24.12.02 WCPUID version 3.1a with plugins. To install, run the executable and select a path. H.Oda! 264Kb

Motherboard Monitoring

Motherboard Monitor is a superb, real-time motherboard monitoring app. CPU temperatures, voltages and fan speeds can be reported for many different chipsets. The displays and alerts can be completely customised, and can be reduced to your system tray for convenience. Definitely recommended for overclockers.

A hint for ABit BF6 users - the Winbond W83782D chipset reports the information you want; CPU core temperature is measured using the 'Winbond 2 - P2 thermal diode' entry, and case temperature from 'Winbond 3'.

File Date Description Info Size
LiveWire 22.08.03 Motherboard Monitor To install, download and run the program. Author's site 1,883Kb
MBM418.zip 06.07.00 Motherboard Monitor 4.18. To install, extract the Zip into a temporary directory and run the setup.exe program. To upgrade, make sure Motherboard Monitor isn't running, then extract and run Setup (i.e. install on top of your current version). Author's site 1,323Kb
Dimmspd.zip 21.06.99 Beta 1 of the DIMM SPD Info Module for Motherboard Monitor 4.07 and later. Adds the DIMM SPD option to the Motherboard Monitor pop-up menu, which shows detailed information about your DIMMs. Check the 'read me.txt' in the Zip for installation and use. Author's site 187Kb